Pingin PINTAR?? Makanya BELAJAR!!

Kamis, 12 November 2009

Type Of Crime 1


1. Bank Fraud:
To engage in an act or pattern of activity where the purpose is to defraud a bank of funds.

2. Blackmail:
A demand for money or other consideration under threat to do bodily harm, to injure property, to accuse of a crime, or to expose secrets.

3. Bribery:
When money, goods, services, information or anything else of value is offered with intent to influence the actions, opinions, or decisions of the taker. You may be charged with bribery whether you offer the bribe or accept it.

4. Cellular Phone Fraud:
The unauthorized use, tampering, or manipulation of a cellular phone or service. This can be accomplished by either use of a stolen phone,or where an actor signs up for service under false identification or where the actor clones a valid electronic serial number (ESN) by using an ESN reader and reprograms another cellular phone with a valid ESN number.

5. Computer fraud:
Where computer hackers steal information sources contained on computers such as: bank information, credit cards, and proprietary information.

6. Counterfeiting:
Occurs when someone copies or imitates an item without having been authorized to do so and passes the copy off for the genuine or original item. Counterfeiting is most often associated with money however can also be associated with designer clothing, handbags and watches.

7. Credit Card Fraud:
The unauthorized use of a credit card to obtain goods of value.

8. Currency Schemes:
The practice of speculating on the future value of currencies.

9. Embezz1ement:
When a person who has been entrusted with money or property appropriates it for his or her own use and benefit.

10. Environmental Schemes:
The overbilling and fraudulent practices exercised by corporations which purport to clean up the environment.

11. Extortion:
Occurs when one person illegally obtains property from another by actual or threatened force, fear, or violence, or under cover of official right.

12. Forgery:
When a person passes a false or worthless instrument such as a check or counterfeit security with the intent to defraud or injure the recipient.

13. Health Care Fraud:
Where an unlicensed health care provider provides services under the guise of being licensed and obtains monetary benefit for the service.

14. Insider Trading:
When a person uses inside, confidential, or advance information to trade in shares of publicly held corporations.

15. Insurance Fraud:
To engage in an act or pattern of activity wherein one obtains proceeds from an insurance company through deception.

16. Investment Schemes:
Where an unsuspecting victim is contacted by the actor who promises to provide a large return on a small investment.

17. Kickback:
Occurs when a person who sells an item pays back a portion of the purchase price to the buyer.

18. Larceny/Theft:
When a person wrongfully takes another person's money or property with the intent to appropriate, convert or steal it.

19. Money Laundering:
The investment or transfer of money from racketeering, drug transactions or other embezzlement schemes so that it appears that its original source either cannot be traced or is legitimate.

20. Racketeering:
The operation of an illegal business for personal profit.

21. Securities Fraud:

The act of artificially inflating the price of stocks by brokers so that buyers can purchase a stock on the rise.

22. Tax Evasion:
When a person commits fraud in filing or paying taxes.

23. Telemarketing Fraud:

Actors operate out of boiler rooms and place telephone calls to residences and corporations where the actor requests a donation to an alleged charitable organization or where the actor requests money up front or a credit card number up front, and does not use the donation for the stated purpose.

24. Welfare Fraud:
To engage in an act or acts where the purpose is to obtain benefits (i.e. Public Assistance, Food Stamps, or Medicaid) from the State or Federal Government.

25. Weights and Measures:

The act of placing an item for sale at one price yet charging a higher price at the time of sale or short weighing an item when the label reflects a higher weight.

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Leadership 2



Di dalam aktivitas organisasi sosial atau bisnis apa pun, manajemen adalah tindakan untuk mengerahkan orang untuk secara bersama sama meraih sasaran atau tujuan yang diinginkan
– "the art of getting things done through people“ –


1. Supervising

Meningkatkan kinerja bawahan dengan menganalisa unsur kekuatan dan kelemahannya: memberikan pelatihan, mengembangkan keterampilan, menjadwalkan pekerjaan, dan merancang sasaran prestasi kerja.

2. Planning and Organizing
Menerjemahkan rencana jangka panjang ke dalam sasaran sasaran jangka pendek dan merekomendasi-kan serta mengembangkan kebijakan prosedur dan pengoperasian.

3. Decision-making
Membuat keputusan bisnis pada situasi apa pun berdasarkan perhitungan yang matang; ber-tanggung jawab atas pengendalian terhadap besar kecilnya penyimpangan-penyimpangan prosedur.

4. Monitoring Indicator
Memantau pengaruh internal dan eksternal yang akan berdampak pada perusahaan. Misalnya indikator kinerja, keuangan dan aset perusahaan, kondisi pasar, serta iklim budaya, sosial dan politik.

5. Controlling

Menyusun jadwal dan estimasi biaya untuk memproduksi produk dan layanan, menjajaki produktivitas, meyakinkan kualitas produk dan/atau efektifitas jasa, dan meng-analisa efektivitas pengoperasiannya.

6. Representing

Memberi jawaban terhadap keluhan keluhan pihak luar; misalnya dengan melakukan komunikasi; mempromosikan hubungan perusahaan; melakukan negosiasi; menyelenggarakan aktivitas promosi untuk menetapkan atau memelihara citra perusahaan, dsb.

7. Coordinating
Berkomunikasi dengan pihak pihak lain di dalam perusahaan tentang siapa siapa yang tidak memiliki kendali langsung terhadap suatu kinerja, dalam rangka berbagi informasi, mencapai prestasi yang telah dijadwalkan sebelumnya, menyelesaikan permasalahan dan mencapai obyektivitas; memelihara hubungan kerja yang selaras dengan sesama; menengahi konflik dan ketidak sepakatan yang terjadi antara para pihak pemeran kunci.

8. Administering

Mengerjakan aktivitas peng-administrasian dasar seperti menempatkan informasi yang tepat atas prosedur dan kinerja perusahaan, menganalisa informasi rutin, atau mememelihara catatan-catatan dan dokumen dokumen secara rinci dan akurat.


1. Interpersonal Role
Liaison: Penghubung
Figurehead: Pemimpin simbolik
2. Information Processing Role
Monitor: Pemantau
Disseminator: Nara Sumber, Penterjemah dan penyampai informasi
Spokesperson: Penyampai Pesan Komunikasi
3. Decision-Making Role
Entrepreneur: Berjiwa Usahawan
Disturbance Handler: Penanganan Krisis
Resource Allocator: Pengalokasi sumberdaya
Negotiator: Juru Runding/Perunding

Role Conflict :
Manajer seringkali pula tertimpa masalah politik kantor berupa konflik kepentingan antar pihak; pihak yang menjadi atasannya dan bawahannya. Dalam hal ini manajer biasanya lebih responsif terhadap kepentingan atasannya.


Core Components
Definisi kerja seseorang yang duduk sebagai manajer sangat ditentukan oleh demands, constrains dan choices.
1. Demands
Standarisasi, obyektivitas, dan tengat waktu yang harus dipenuhi manajer.
2. Constrains
Karakteristik dari organisasi dan lingkungan luar yang membatasi tindakan manajer seperti: birokrasi, kebijakan, regulasi/aturan, dan legalisasi
3. Choices
Memiliki peluang untuk memilih dan menentukan hal hal yang dapat dan tidak dapat dikerjakan, serta bagaimana mengerjakannya.


1. Pattern of Relationship
Tuntutan permintaan dari atasan dan bawahan serta pihak pihak eksternal; klien, pelanggan, subkontraktor, dll diluar organisasi dapat mempengaruhi penggunaan waktu seorang menejer.
2. Work Pattern
Ihtiar sendiri atau hanya merespon kepada kepentingan pihak lain.
Pengulangan kerja atau keragaman dan keunikan
Kuantitas ketidakpastian dalam pekerjaan
Perhatian yang berkelanjutan dalam waktu yang lama
Kuantitas tekanan tengat waktu
3. Exposure
Aspek lain dari pekerjaan menejerial yang menentukan Perilaku dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan adalah kuantitas dalam membuat keputusan dengan potensi resiko, dan kuantitas waktu yang tersedia sebelum kesalahan dapat ditemukan.


Steward’s research memiliki perspektif yang luas dalam memberikan masukan bahwa aktivitas dan perilaku manajer terbentuk oleh beberapa aspek dari situasi yang dihadapi. Antara lain: Tingkat Manajemen, Ukuran sub-unit, cabang/ranting ketergantungan, kondisi krisis, dan tahap siklus organisasi.

Leadership 3



Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan Ohio State University di era 1950-an tentang contoh perilaku kepemimpinan baik pada penyelia militer dan sipil, ditemukan dua kategori kepemimpinan, yaitu:
1. Considerations:
Kategori perilaku pemimpin yang penuh perhatian terhadap kemanusiaan dan hubungan antar pribadi – cenderung mengutamakan kebutuhan dan perasaan bawahan.
2. Initiating Structure:
Kategori perilaku yang lebih mengutamakan penyelesaian tugas tugas dan sasaran – cenderung mengkritisi, menekankan pentingnya tengat waktu, standar kualitas, etos kerja, prosedural, dll.

Survey dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa bentuk questionnaires seperti: The Leader Behaviour Description Questionnaire (LBDQ), Supervisory Behaviour Description (SBDQ), and The Leader Opinion Questionnaires (LOQ) untuk menemukan teori perbandingan efektivitas antara leadership tipe consideration dan Initiating structure, yaitu sbb:
1. Teori Fleishman and Harris, 1962
Pemimpin berkategori Consideration memiliki sedikit keluhan namun sedikit perputaran hasil (turnover). Bahwa bawahan lebih menyukai tipe pemimpin yang moderately consideration.
2. Teori Fisher and Edwards, 1988
Pada beberapa studi terdapat bahwa bawahan lebih puas dan berprestasi dengan pemimpin bertipe initiating structure, beberapa studi lainnya menyatakan tidak ada hubungan sama sekali antara kedua tipe terhadap turnover.


Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan University of Michigan di era 1950-an, yang lebih fokus kepada peng-identifikasi-an keterhubungan antar perilaku pemimpin, proses grup dan pengukuran prestasi grup, ditemukan tiga tipe perilaku yang membedakan antara menejer yang efektif dan yang tidak, yaitu sbb:
1. Task-oriented behaviour
2. Relation-oriented behaviour
3. Participative Leadership Behaviour
1. Task-oriented behaviour
Menejer yang efektif adalah yang lebih berkonsentrasi kepada orientasi tugas/penugasan seperti: perencanaan, penjadwalan, asitensi teknis, penydiaan peralatan, dlsb.
2. Relation-oriented behaviour
Menejer yang efektif adalah yang suportif dan sangat membantu kepada bawahannya dengan memperlihatkan rasa percaya dan kepercayaan diri, bersahabat, komunikatif, empati, dan keperdulian terhadap pengembangan karir bawahan, dlsb.
3. Participative Leadership Behaviour
Menejer efektif adalah yang lebih fokus kepada men-supervisi secara grup dari pada individual: memfasilitasi pembuatan keputusan secara kolektif dan partisipatif, pengembangan komunikasi, kooperatif, dlb.

Studi oleh Bowers and Seashore (1966)
Mengembangkan teori perilaku kepimpinan dengan mengusulkan bahwa kebanyakan dari fungsi kepemimpinan dapat dilakukan oleh figur lain disamping pemimpin sebuah kelompok kerja.
Studi oleh Taylor and Bowers and Seashore (1972)
Mengembangkannya menjadi dua teori perilaku pemimpin yang berorientasi pada tugas yaitu: penekanan kepada sasaran dan fasilitasi kerja, dan dua teori perilaku kepemimina yang berorientasi kepada suportifitas dan fasilitasi interaksi)
Studi oleh Bowers (1975)
Menemukan bahwa perilaku kepemimpinan oleh pemimpin dan anggota sangat tergantung dari kepuasan bawahan dan proses kelompok kerja. Namun, pola hasilnya bervariasi tergantung dari tipe industri dan tingkat otorisasi manajer.


Setiap kegiatan riset atau studi apa pun tentang kepemimpinan rata rata menemukan perilaku kepimpinan umum sebagai berikut.
1. Merencanakan, meng-koordinasikan, meng-organisasikan operasi usaha.
2. Menyelia bawahan (mengarahkan, memberi instruksi, memantau prestasi)
3. Menetapkan dan mempertahankan hubungan yang baik dengan bawahan
4. Menetapkan dan mempertahankan hubungan baik dengan atasan, kolega dan pihak eksternal organisasi
5. Memberikan perumpamaan akan tanggung jawab untuk menilai kebijakan organisasi, menimbukan kebutuhan tugas, dan membuat keputusan keputusan yang diperlukan.

Rabu, 04 November 2009

Leadership 1

Bab 1
Leadership in Organization

Highlights :
Kunci pembuka pintu sukses bukan terletak pada bagaimana hebatnya anda, namun bagaimana KUATNYA KEINGINAN anda untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik dari dalam diri anda sendiri.

What is Succes??
• Sukses merupakan suatu proses
• Cita cita yang benar dan sesuai dengan minat dan potensi anda
• Melihat diri sendiri secara lebih menarik
• Gairah untuk mewujudkannya dengan tindakan terencana dan terkendali secara konsisten dan ulet

Leaders Never Flocks :
• Sebagian orang sudah memiliki bakat kepemimpinan sejak dilahirkan
• Siapa pun bisa menjadi pemimpin
• Semua manusia adalah pemimpin minimal bagi dirinya sendiri.

Self Motivated :
Perubahan adalah hal yang paling didambakan oleh setiap orang. Namun, untuk MELAKUKAN PERUBAHAN DIBUTUHKAN KEBERANIAN.
Apa pun PERUBAHAN ITU HARUS DIDORONG OLEH ALASAN (MOTIVASI) YANG KUAT mengapa anda ingin melakukan suatu perubahan, sehingga perubahan diri yang anda lakukan akan bersifat lebih langgeng.

Belief System :
YA! ANDA BISA MENJADI PEMIMPIN SELAMA ANDA PERCAYA bahwa tidak pernah dicapai sesuatu yang sangat baik kecuali oleh mereka yang berani memiliki keyakinan, BAHWA SESUATU DI DALAM DIRI mereka itu LEBIH UNGGUL DIBANDINGKAN SUATU KONDISI/KEADAAN
KERAGU RAGUAN adalah getaran energi negatif yang AKAN MENGHAMBAT KEBERHASILAN

Positive Energy

KEYAKINAN DIRI UNTUK MERAIH SUKSES BERASAL DARI PIKIRAN POSITIF yang muncul berkali kali di dalam benak anda, maka PERASAAN anda pun menjadi POSITIF sehingga diri anda memancarkan getaran getaran energi (AURA) positif yang akan menarik segala sesuatu yang anda inginkan dalam hidup dan kehidupan anda, yang akan datang kepada anda dalam jumlah berkali kali lipat dari yang dapat anda bayangkan sebelumnya.

Leadership Definition :
Adalah kemampuan dan upaya seseorang dalam melakukan proses MEMPENGARUHI, MEMOTIVASI, MEMFASILITASI TINDAKAN, MEMBANGUN HUBUNGAN HORISONTAL dan MENUNTUN PERUBAHAN orang lain untuk berkontribusi menuju efektivitas dan sukses sebuah organisasi sosial mau pun bisnis.
Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objective.

Managing vs Leading :
Leading > Managing
Incompatible values and different personalities:
Manajer dan Pemimpin sama sama konsisten dalam bekerja pada sebuah sistem (SOP) organisasi.
Namun, seorang Pemimpin lebih dari itu dan pada umumnya cenderung rendah hati, memiliki integritas, berani mengambil resiko, bermimpi besar, pengemudi perubahan, inovatif, motivator, inspirator, ber-pandangan jauh ke depan, dan senantiasa cakap dalam mengerjakan sesuatu.


Indirect leadership adalah ketika pengaruh direct leadership seorang CEO ditularkan secara hirarkis pada suatu organisasi yang berpengaruh pada pembentukan budaya kerja organisasi tersebut.
Corporate Culture defined as shared beliefs and values
Dampak dari indirect leadership ini akan menjadi lebih kuat jika didukung oleh bentuk kepemiminan yang konsisten dari setiap manajer pada semua tingkatan manajerial.

Leadership Effectiveness :

Sangat sulit untuk mengukur efektivitas kepemimpinan seseorang oleh karena adanya ukuran ukuran kiteria yang beragam, tergantung dari sistem penilaian setiap organisasi.
Rantai Penyebab perilaku kepemimpinan :


Karakteristik Pemimpin :
• Ciri-ciri = Traits (motivasi, kepribadian, nilai nilai)
• Kepercayan diri dan optimisme
• Keterampilan dan keahlian
• Perilaku
• Integritas dan etika
• Taktik mempengaruhi
• Atribut mengenai pengikut

Trait Approach :
Pendekatan teori yang lebih menekankan kepada atribut pemimpin seperti; kepribadian, motif, nilai-nilai, dan keterampilan.
Pendekatan teori ini berdasarkan asumsi bahwa sebagian orang memiliki bakat alami kepeminpinan, dengan ciri-ciri (traits) tertentu yang tidak terpengaruh/ hasil pengaruh orang lain.
Atribut kepemimpinan sangat terkait dengan perilaku (behaviour) dan efektivitas

Behavior Approach :
Bedasarkan dua pendekatan investigasi:
1. Perilaku manajer dalam memanfaatkan waktu dan ciri ciri pada pola kegiatan, tanggung jawab dan fungsional sebagai manajer.
2. Bagaimana efektifnya seorang manajer dalam menyelesaikan konflik peran, memenuhi tuntutan, mengenal peluang, dan kemampuan mengatasi paksaan.

Terminologi dari Followers/Pengikut adalah untuk menggambarkan seseorang yang mengakui sesorang pemimpin sebagai sumber petunjuk untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan.
Followers bisa saja termasuk mereka yang tidak memiliki kewajiban lapor langsung pada atasan misalnya: mitra kerja, anggota kelompok, mitra usaha, orang di luar organisasi.
Karakteristik Pengikut :
• Ciri ciri (Traits); kebutuhan, nilai nilai, konsep diri
• Kepercayaan diri dan optimisme
• Keterampilan dan keahlian
• Atribut tentang pemimpin
• Kepercayaan terhadap pemimpin
• Tekad dan upaya pada tugas
• Kepuasan terhadap pekerjaaan dan pemimpin

Karakteristik Situasi :
• Tipe organisasional dari unit
• Ukuran Unit
• Kekuatan posisi dan otorisasi dari leader
• Struktur tugas dan kompleksitasnya
• Tugas saling ketergantungan
• Lingkungan yang tidak menentu
• Ketergantungan eksternal


Pemimpin menginspirasi pengikutnya/bawahannya untuk berkeinginan dalam hal mengorbankan kepentingan diri sendiri demi kepentingan yang lebih besar; organisasi, pemerintahan, dlsb.
By effective leadership people are influenced to do what is ethical and beneficial for the organisation and themselves

Penyebab hubungan antar tipe tipe pimer dari proses kepemimpinan.



• Proses-Individual process
Hampir tidak ada karena proses kepemimpinan senantiasa melibatkan orang lain
• Dyadic
Fokus kepada hubungan antar leader dan individual yang biasanya bawahan
• Group
Propektif lain dari kepemimpinan adalah memandangnya dari sudut sebagai suatu proses sebuah kelompok
• Organisation
Sangat terbatas karena tergantung dari skala ukuran sistem sosial sebuah organisasi sehingga sulit untuk dimengerti jika fokus riset hanya terbatas pada internal proses pada satu bagian kelompok.

Global Marketing 4

Bab 4
Political, Legal and Regulatory Environment

The political environment :
► Any company doing business outside its home country should carefully study the political culture in the target country and analyze relevant issues arising from political environment.
► Sovereignty can be defined as supreme (highest) and independent political authority.. It can be found in a power to rule and make law that rests on a political fact for which no purely legal explanation can be provided.
► Many government in the development countries exercise control over the nations’ economic development by passing protectionist laws and regulations.
Their objective is to encourage economic development by protecting emerging or strategic industries.
Suharto established a national cars program that granted tax breaks and tariff privileges to a company established in South Korea by his youngest son.
Political Risk, is the risk of a chance in political environment or government policy that would adversely affect a company’s ability to operate effectively and profitably.
Business people need to stay apprised of the formation and evolution of political parties.
Valuables sources include The Economist, Financial Times, BERI (business environment risk intelligence) specialized in political report on individual country market. PRS group focuses more directly on government action and economic function.
Taxes, government rely on tax revenues to generate funds for social services, the military and others expenditures. Unfortunately, government taxation policies on the sales of goods and service frequently motivates companies and individuals to profit by not paying taxes.
Seizure (attack) of Assets, the ultimate threat a government can posed toward a company is seizing assets. Expropriation (take away something belonging to somebody) refer to governmental action to dispossess (divest) a foreign company or investor. Compensation is generally provided. If is not provided, the action is referred to as confiscation (taking away).
Nationalization is generally broader in scope ; its occurs when the government take control of some or all of the enterprises in a particular industry.
In 1959, Castro government nationalized property belonging to American sugar producers in retaliation for new quotas on sugar. Castro offered compensation on Cuban government bonds.
In the mid 1970s, J&J and other foreign investors in India had to submit to government regulations to retain majority equity position in company already established.

Legal Environment :
International Law, may be defined as the rules and principles that nation states consider binding upon themselves. International law pertains to property, trade, immigration, and other area that have traditionally been under the jurisdiction of individual nation
Common Law, is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals (called case law), rather than through legislative statutes or executive action, and to corresponding legal systems that rely on precedential case law.
Islamic Law, the code is derived from two sources. First is Koran, the holly book and second is the Hadith . In particular Hadith spell out the product and practices the the haram (forbidden)

► Jurisdiction, company personnel working abroad should understand the extent to which they are subject to the jurisdiction of host-country courts.
>>>>Kodak vs Fuji in japan.
Intellectual property; patents, trademarks, and copyrights
► Patent and trademarks that are protected in one country are not necessarily protected in another country where business is conducted.

Patent is a formal legal document that gives an investor an exclusive rights to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified period of time.
► Trademarks, is defined as distinctive mark, motto, device, or emblem that a manufacturer affixes to a particular product to differentiate it from goods produced by other manufacturers.
Copyrights, establishes ownership of a written, recorded, performed or filmed creative works
Antitrust, are designed to combat restrictive business practices and to encourage competition. The law are enforced by agencies as The US Federal Trade Commission, Japan’s Fair Trade

Commission and European Trade Commission :

► These laws provide remedies for businesses and consumers from the effects of monopolization and conspiracy, fixed prices, boycotts, refusals to deal, divided markets, etc.

The historic goal of the antitrust laws is to protect economic freedom and opportunity by promoting competition in the marketplace. Free competition benefits consumers through lower prices, better quality, and greater choice. Competition provides businesses the opportunity to compete on price and quality, in an open market and on a level playing field, unhampered by anticompetitive restraints.
Licensing, is a contractual agreement in which a licensor allows a licensee to use patents, trademarks, trade secret, technology or other intangible
assets in return on royalty

The Regalutory Environment :
► The regulatory environment of global marketing consists a variety of governmental and non governmental agency that enforce laws or set guidelines for conducting business. These agency address a wide range of marketing issues, including price control, labeling, food and drugs regulation, employment condition, advertising and competitive practices

Global Marketing 3

Bab 3
Social & Cultural Environment

Introduction :
• The chapter focuses on social & cultural forces that shape and affect individual and corporate behavior in the market. Because the world’s cultures are characterized by both differences and similarities, the task of the global marketer is twofold.
• First, marketer must study and understand the country cultures in which they will doing business.
• Second, this understanding must be incorporated into the marketing planning process.

Society, culture, and global consumer culture :
• Culture can be define as:
“ways of living, built up by a group of human beings, that are transmitted from one generation to another”
A culture acts out its ways of living in the context of social institutions, including family, educational, religious, governmental, and business institutions. Those institutions in turn, function to reinforce cultural norms.
• Consumption has become a hallmark of postmodern society. As cultural information and imagery flow ever more freely via satellite TV, internet, and similar communication channels, new global consumers culture are emerging . Persons who identify with these cultural share meaningful sets of consumption-related symbols.
Some of these cultures are associated with specific product categories:
- fast food culture, credit card culture, pub culture,
coffee culture.

Attitudes, beliefs and values :
Geert Hofstede, anthropologist, said about culture as:
“the collective programming of the mind that differentiate the members of one category of people from those of another”
So then, we have to learn about culture by studying the attitudes, beliefs and values shared by a specific group of people.
• Attitudes is a learned tendency to respond in a consistent way to a given object or entity.
• Beliefs is an organized pattern of knowledge that an individual holds to be true about the world.
Attitudes and beliefs , in turn are closely related to value. A value can be defined as an continuing beliefs or feeling that a specific mode of conduct its personally or socially preferable to another mode of conduct.
-Japanese , strive to achieve cooperation consensus, self denial, and harmony. Because these all represent feelings about modes of conduct, they are values. Japanese young people belief the West is a source of important fashion trends. >>>
have a favorable attitudes toward American brands.

Aesthetics :
• Aesthetics is concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste:
• Global marketers must understand the important of visual aesthetics personified in the color or shape of a product, label, or package. Various degree of complexity are perceived differently in differently part of the world.
Aesthetics elements that are deemed attractive, appealing, and in a good taste in one country may be perceived differently in another country.
• There is nothing “good” or “bad” about any color of , all association and perceptions regarding color arise from culture.
• Red is a popular color in the world >> represent blood, tied to centuries old traditions of winemaking. Also associate with active, hot, and vibrant, emotional and sharp
• Blue associate with sky and water, has an elemental connotation with undertones of dependability, constancy and eternity.
• White is purity and cleanliness in the West, but it is associate with death in part of Asia.
• Example:
GM was trying for the right to build sedan in China:
The company executive gave Chinese officials gift from upscale Tiffany & Company an a jewelry’s signature of blue box. They replaced the white ribbon on the blue box with red ones, since red consider a lucky color, and white has a negative connotations.>> they won the proposal
Music also an aesthetics component of all cultures.
-Bossanova is associate with Argentina, Samba with Brazil, Salsa with Cuba, Reggae with Jamaica, rap with America, dangdut with Indonesia

Dietary Preference :
• Cultural influences are also quite apparent in food preparation and consumption pattern and habits.
-Russian, eat caviar, Japan eat Rice and grilled fish for breakfast. Hindu in India served them self with right hand rather than utensils., spicy and hotness.
-US company failures introduce fluffy frosted cake to UK..>>cake is eaten when tea time with the finger than eat a dessert with a fork.
-Instant fast food, microwave food, >> potatoes coach
Shorter lunch hours, and tighter budget are forcing workers to grab a quick, cheap bite before returning to work.

Language and Communication :
The diversity of cultures around the world is also reflected in language.
Linguistic have divided the study of spoken / verbal, include
-syntax: rules of sentence formation
-semantic: system of meaning
-phonology : system of sound pattern
-morphology: word formation
Unspoken / non verbal, includes:
-gesture, touching, and other form of body language that supplement spoken communications.
In global marketing, language is a crucial tool for communicating
With customers, channel intermediaries, and others.
Phonology can also come into play: Colgate discovered that in Spanish, Colgate is a command that means “go hang yourself”.
• Technology is providing interesting new opportunities for exploiting linguistic in the name of marketing. Young people throughout the world using mobile phones to send text messages; its turn out that certain numbers in Korea have meaning in particular languages:
- 8282 means hurry up
- 7170 sound like “close friend”
- 4 5683 968 on key pads can be interpreted as “I love You
- Nonverbal communications are perhaps even more dreadful.
- >> Westerners doing business in Middle East must be careful not to reveal the soles of their shoes, or pass the document with a left hands
- >> In Japan bowing is an important form on nonverbal communication

Marketing’s impact on culture :

• Universal aspects of the cultural environment represent opportunities for global marketers to standardize some or all elements of a marketing program.
• The cultural change and the globalization of culture have been capitalized upon, even significantly accelerated, by companies that have seize/grab opportunities to find customers around the world. However, the impact of marketing and, more generally, of global capitalism on culture can be controversial. >>
McDonaldization of culture ----breakdown cultural barriers while expanding into new markets with their products.

Training in cross-cultural competency :
• Personal relationships are an essential ingredients for the international businessperson. Peace Corp volunteers devote one-third of their training to learning how things are done in the host country (particularly personal relationship).
• Samsung, GE, AT&T and other large companies that are globalizing are taking steps to train managers and sensitize them to other ways to thinking, feeling and acting. The goals is to improve their ability to deal effectively with customers, suppliers, bosses and employees on others countries and region.

Global Marketing 2

Bab 2

• The world economy has changed since world war II. The most fundamental change is the emergence of global markets, responding to new opportunities, global competitors have steadily displaced or absorbed local ones.
• There have been several remarkable changes in the world economy. Organization stand a better chance of achieving success when plans and strategies are based on the new realities of the changed world economy:[william graider]
1. Capital movement have replaced trade as the
driving force of the world economy
the volume of capital movement is increased. The dollar value of world trade in merchandise is running at roughly $5.5 trillion per-year. Global capital movement far exceed the dollar volume of global trade
• According to orthodox economic theory, when country runs a deficit on its trade accounts, its currency should depreciate in value. Today, it is capital movements and trade that determine currency value.
• What Is International Trade?
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events. Political change in Asia, for example, could result in an increase in the cost of labor, thereby increasing the manufacturing costs for an American sneaker company based in Malaysia, which would then result in an increase in the price that you have to pay to buy the tennis shoes at your local mall. A decrease in the cost of labor, on the other hand, would result in you having to pay less for your new shoes.

• Production has become “uncoupled” from employment. The second chance concern the relationship between productivity and employment. Although employment in manufacturing remains steady or has declined, productivity continues to grow.
In USA, manufacturing’s share of GDP has declined from 19.2% in 1989 to 16.1% in 1999. Similar trend can be found in many other major industrial economics as well.

>>>Manufacturing is not in decline-its employment in manufacturing that is in decline. – some companies have cut employment by outsourcing or subcontracting nonmanufacturing activities; data processing, housekeeping, food services

Gross Domestic Product :
• GDP is Gross domestic product. For a region, the GDP is "the market value of all the goods and services producted by labor and property located in" the region, usually a country. It equals GNP minus the net inflow of labor and property incomes from abroad.
3. The world economy dominates the scene; individual country economies play a subordinate role. [. Subject to the authority or control of another.]
• The third major changes is the emergence of the world economy as the dominant economic unit.
• Japan & Germany has been their respective competitive position in the world. In contrast, many other countries include the usa, have focused upon domestic objectives and priorities to the exclusion of their global competitive position
4. The 75 years struggle between capitalism and socialism is largely over.
• The fourth change is the end of the cold war. The demise of communism as an economic & political system can be explained straightforward manner: communism is not an effective economic system.
5. The grow of e- commerces diminished the importance of national barriers and forces companies to re- evaluate their business models
Finally, the personal computers revolution and the advent of the internet era have in some ways diminished the importance of national boundaries.
an estimated 500 million personal computers are installed in homes and business

Market Capitalism
is an economic system in which individuals and firm allocate resources and production resources are privately owned.
Economic system characterized by the following: private property ownership exists; individuals and companie are allowed to compete for their own economic gain; and free market forces determine the prices of goods andservices. Such a system is based on the premise of separating the state and business activities. Capitalistsbelieve that markets are efficient and should thusfunction without interference, and the role of the state is to regulate and protect

Centrally Planned Socialism
In this type of economic system , the state has broad power to serve the public interest as it sees fit. State planner make “top down” decision about what good and services are produced and in what quantities, consumers can spend their money on what is available.
Government ownership of entire industries as well as individual enterprises is characteristic of centrally – planned socialism
Because demand typically exceeds supply, the element of the marketing mix are not used as strategic variables. Little on product differentiation, advertising or promotion. Government also control distribution to eliminate “exploitation” by intermediaries.

Centrally – Planned Capitalism & Market Socialism
In reality, market capitalism and centrally planned socialism do not exist “pure” form. In most countries, command and market resources allocation are practiced simultaneously, as are private and state resources ownership.
An economic system in which command resource allocation is utilized in an environment of private resource ownership can be called centrally-planned capitalism.
sweden, two third of all expenditure are controlled by the government, resource allocation is more command oriented rather than market orientation.

Market socialism
Market socialism is also possible. Market allocation policies are
permitted within an overall environment of state ownership.
China has given considerable freedom to businesses and individuals in
the Guandon Province to operate within a market system.
Economic system which is based on cooperation rather than competition and which utilizes centralized planning and distribution.

Global Marketing 1

Bab 1
The scope challenge of global marketing

Introduction :
Two decades ago, the phrase global marketing did not exist. Today, business people utilize global marketing for the realization of their companies full commercial potential
What is global marketing? How does it differ from “regular” marketing?
An organization that engages in global marketing focuses its resources on global market opportunities and threats.
Difference between “regular” marketing and “global” marketing is the scope of activities. A company that engages in global marketing conducts their business activities outside the home country market

Costumer Value :
For any organization operating anywhere in the world, the essence of marketing is to surpass the competition at the task of creating perceived value for customers.
The value equation is:
value = benefits / price (money, time, effort, etc)
As general rules, value as perceived by the customer can be increased in two basic ways. Markets can offer customers an improved bundle of benefits or lower prices (or both)
Companies that use price as a competitive weapon may enjoy an ample supply of low-wage labor or access to cheap raw materials. They can also reduce prices if cost are low because or process efficiencies in manufacturing.
Toyota, Nissan made significant gains in the American market in 1980s. They offered cars with higher quality and lower prices than those made by Chrysler, Ford and GM.
Competitive advantage, globalization, and global industry :
When company succeeds in creating value for customers that its competitors, that company is said to enjoy “competitive advantage” in an industry.
Globalization, from a marketing point of view, globalization present companies with tantalizing opportunities and challenge as executives decide whether or not to offer their products and services anywhere.
Global industry is one in which competitive advantage can be achieved by integrating and leveraging operations on a worldwide scale. >> an industry is global to the extent that a company’s imdustry position in one country is interdependent with its industry position in other countries.
Achieving competitive advantage ia a global industry requires executives and managers to maintain a well defined strategic focus.

Focus :
Focus is simply the concentration of attention on a core business or competence.
Nestle is focused : We are food and beverages.
How ever, company management may choose to initiate a chance in focus as part of an overall strategy shift. Coca Cola announced a new alliance with Nestle that will jointly develop and market coffee and tea.
Value, competitive advantage and the focus required to achieve them are universal in their relevance. Global marketing requires attention to these issues on a worldwide basis and utilization of an information system capable of monitoring the globe opportunities and threats.

Global Localization :
A successful global marketer must have the ability to “think globally and act locally”
Global marketing made Coke a worldwide success. However, that success was not based on the standardization of marketing mix elements. Coca cola achieved success in Japan by spending a great deal of time and money to become an insider >>built a complete local infrastructure with its sales force and vending machine operations. Similarly in India with local Thums Up cola brand (case study)
A central issues in global marketing is how to tailor the global marketing concept to fit particular products, business and markets.
Finally, global marketing doesn’t mean entering every country in the world. Global marketing mean widening business horizons to encompass the world in scanning for opportunity and threat.
Coke is the best known, strongest brand in the world; its enviable global position has resulted in part from the Coca Cola Company’s willingness and ability to back its flagship product with a network of local bottlers and strong local marketing effort.
Philip Morris has made Marlboro the number one cigarette brand in the world.
However, effective global marketing strategies can also be based on product or system design, product positioning, packaging, distribution, customer service, and sourcing consideration. Mc Donald has designed a restaurant system that can be set up virtually anywhere in the world. And also customized the its menus offering in accordance with local eating custome.
The particular approach to global marketing that company adopts will depend on industry condition and its source of sources of competitive advantage.
Should Harley Davidson star manufacturing motorcycles in a low wage country such as Mexico? >>>Harley’s competitive advantage is based in part on its “Made in the USA” positioning, shifting production outside the USA is not advisable.

Management Orientation :
The form and substance of company’s response to global market opportunities depend greatly on management’s assumptions or beliefs- both conscious and unconscious about the nature of the world.
Ethnocentric orientation: A person who assumes that his/her home country is superior to the rest of the world. Ethnocentrism is sometime associated with attitudes of national arrogance or national superiority.
Company personnel with an ethnocentric orientation see only similarities in markets and assume that products and practices that succeed in the home country will be successful anywhere.
Ethnocentric companies that do conduct business outside the home country can be describe as international companies; they adhere to the notion that the product that succeed in home country is superior. This point of view leads to a standardized or extension approach to marketing based on premise that products can be sold everywhere without adaptation. (Nissan case in the USA)
At some companies, the ethnocentric orientation mean that the opportunities outside the home country are largely ignored.
Polycentric Orientation : describes management’s belief or assumption that each country in which a company does business is unique. Company should develop its own unique business and marketing strategies I order to succeed; the term of multinational company is often used to describe such a structure.
This point of view leads to a localized or adaptation approach product must be adapted is response to different market condition.
Regiocentric & Geocentric Orientation : A region becomes the relevant geographic unit; management goal is to develop an integrated regional strategy.
A company with geocentric orientation views the entire world as potential market and strive to develop integrated world market strategies. A company whose management has a regiocentric or geocentric is sometimes known as a global or transnational company
The ethnocentric company is centralized in its marketing management, the polycentric company decentralized and regiocentric and geocentric companies are integrated on a regional and global scale, respectively.