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Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Leadership 6


Leadership cannot be taught. It can only be modeled and developed from within ANY INDIVIDUAL.
Leadership development is an ongoing process of enrolling and coaching people to courageously examine their current reality and take purposeful action toward realizing a compelling future.

First lead yourself, then lead others
• Establish strategic direction for your career and life then set transformational goals.
• Identify and commit to those leadership competencies you will model and acquire.
• Develop and execute specific action plans, learning from failure and keeping a positive future focus.
• Cascade your success by serving as a model to others

“…by transformation we mean that you must gain control over the patterns that govern your mind: your worldview, your beliefs about what you deserve and about what's possible. That's the zone of fundamental change, strength, and energy -- and the true meaning of courage.”
-- Peter Kostenbaum


1. Personal Accountability
• Leadership begins with personal accountability. This module focuses on creating sense of ownership for results and expanding our sphere of influence. Personal accountability is the measure of our personal effectiveness, meaning that each of us ultimately determines the quality of our own experience.
2. Vision
• Vision is the power of dreams in action and one of the most powerful human motivators. Vision allows leaders to create a compelling future for themselves and others, inspiring transformational results. A future orientation distinguishes great leaders, and this module provides the tools to create the pathway and a plan to achieve results that truly matter.
3. Ethics
• Ethics is about being of service and doing things that benefit the organization and community. It means acting in alignment with our moral compass, and upholding consistent values that guide us in our choices.
4. Courage in Adversity
• Leaders face reality by acting with courage in the face of adversity. Based on John Stoltz’s Adversity (kelemahan) Quotient (AQ) theory, each of us can train our capacity to get things done in the face of continuous change, and respond positively to crisis, rejection and failure
5. Situational Leadership
• Situational leadership is about awareness of self and our environment, allowing us to draw upon a range of communication approaches and making resourceful choices based on clearly defined outcomes.

• Leaders Behaviours:
• Task Behaviours - extent to which leader spells out the responsibilities of the individual or group
• Relationship Behaviours - how much leader engages in two-way com - listening, encouraging, facilitating, clarifying, giving socio-emotional support
• Maturity of the Follower:
• Job maturity - task-relevant knowledge.
• Psychological maturity - self confidence; commitment; motivation relative to the task
• Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory explains
• that when followers are unwilling and unable, the leader should be
• Highly focused on providing task-based behaviors and not
• relationship-based behaviors.
• A contingency theory that focuses on followers’ readiness; the more “ready” the followers (the more willing and able) the less the need for leader support and supervision.

Hersey & Blanchard) theory on leadership styles and followers readiness

• Leaders select certain followers to be “in” (favorites)
• Based on competence and/or compatibility & similarity to leader
• “Exchanges” with these “In” followers will be higher quality than with those who are “Out”
• RESULT: “In” subordinates will have higher performance ratings, less turnover, and greater job satisfaction

• Leader must help followers attaining goals and reduce roadblocks to success
• Leaders must change behaviors to fit the situation (environmental contingencies & subordinate contingencies)

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